Chemical Peels

Achieve radiant, healthy skin with our range of medical grade chemical peels from ZO® Skin Health, which addresses various skin concerns like sun damage, fine lines,wrinkles, texture irregularities, and acne scarring. By effectively eliminating the outermost layer of skin, these peels reveal fresh, rejuvenated skin underneath.

Glow & Go - Stimulator Peel

This no downtime mild peel offers visible improvement utilizing a combination of alpha-hydroxy acids, it exfoliates the skin's outer layer and promotes skin renewal, leaving you with a radiant complexion.

*This can be done on your first visit with us as long as you haven’t had any recent sun, you’re not pregnant/nursing and you’re healthy.

3-Step Peel

This peel consists of three stages designed to address various skin issues, including acne, sun damage, fine lines, and dullness. It involves the application of a blend of chemicals to remove the outer layer of skin, followed by the use of retinol to stimulate collagen production and promote cellular renewal. A soothing cream is then applied to alleviate any irritation and restore moisture balance, resulting in softer, smoother skin.

You may have active shedding for several days to a week. The Glow and Go and a consistent at home regimen is recommended.